Increased demands for professional availability and productivity can make it difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance. The consequences of continued functioning under high occupational stress can include serious health risks. Unfortunately, the prevalence of burnout remains alarmingly high worldwide. It is important to distinguish the experience of burnout from work dissatisfaction or simply being tired. Although feelings of exhaustion, both emotional and physical, as well as an usual sense of discouragement are signs of burnout, this experience is also associated with serious health risks including poor cardiovascular health, the onset or exacerbation of depressive and anxiety disorders, and significant difficulties concentrating at work. Preventing and reversing burnout is extremely important in maintaining your mental and physical health, as well as your overall wellbeing. If you are experiencing signs of burnout, psychotherapy can help you better understand your vulnerabilities to stress, the situational factors triggering and maintaining your occupational distress, and help you develop effective coping strategies to prevent and reverse burning out. Common signs of burnout include:
If you are experiencing significant occupational distress, increasing your self-care is vital in preventing and reversing burnout. A burnout screening and appropriate referral to psychotherapy can greatly decrease the negative impacts of occupational distress on your work productivity and mental health. Contact us today!